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The concept Argaa-Dhageettii is derived from two Oromo terms argaa and dhageettii which literally stand for ‘seeing and hearing’. The term argaa which literally mean ‘seeing’ does not simply refers to things that have happened in our life time alone. In fact, there are very few things that we see have come from the past. We have the qaalluu, the hayyuu and the waayyuu. All these are not of our life time; they have come from the past. But we also see the qaalluu, hayyuu and waayyuu to day. Thus most of what we see has its feet in the past. That is why we say that argaa does not only refer to the things we see with our own eyes, the divine eye, and the eye that sees the hidden knowledge, the eye belongs to the qaalluu, hayyuu and waayyuu.

The word dhageettii which literally refers to ‘hearing’ also does not mean stories about the past. We hear everyday about things that are happening to day. A man of argaadhageettii is aware that what he hears of today are mosly events that are in the past maraa. In the maraa concept of the waaqeffannaa spiritual society, the creator create a single of each life category and separate them into two equal entities making them Isaa and Isii; and let them to procreate after their kind. And so things that are happening today have already happened in the past, and continue to happen with slightest alteration. Dhageettii could even refer to those things that are yet to happen in the case of raagaa (prophecies). And therefore, argaa does not only mean the present and dhageettii the past.

The concept argaadhageettii which stand for the tenet of waaqeffannaa spiritual society literally refers to “seeing and hearing”. In this tenet we are to believe what we see and hear, in that order of importance (what we believe a truth needs to be based on what we saw and what we heard about). This is an important set of concepts that enable the waaqeffannaa spiritual society to enrich their tenet as opposed to being entangled in dogmatic doctrines that can be characterized as inexorable. Life and living is dynamic and prone to change from one form to another form, from one stage to another stage, from one maraa to another maraa in a continous spiral form. And so waaqeffannaa is not inexorable but grows based on the concept of argaadhageettii.

1. Abaarsi Waaqaa hin qabdu yoo isheen nama abaarte Waaqaa fi lafti quba hin qabdu
2. Abbaa karaa karaan Waaqarra
3. Addaggeen quufte Waaqatti oldhuufte
4. Afaan gaariin afaa gaarii caala
5. Afaan okolee Waaqaatii waan itti naqu isatu beeka.
6. Aguuggatanii rafanis Waaqatu saaqee nama arga.
7. Alangeen Waaqaa geessee lafa hin hanqattu.
8. Albaatii fi horii Waaqatu namaaf yaasa
9. Allaattii ila (ija) hin qabne Waaqatu nyaachisa.
10. Allaattii irra keessa fi qurxummii bishaan keessa guyyaa waliin gahu Waaqatu beeka.
11. Anaafoo akka Waaqi jette billaachii goondaa lixxee,
12. Anatu badee Waaqa yaabbate jette namittiin farda yaabbattee
13. Anga’ee agarsiisee, mandi’ee dhageessise (agarsiise), haamtuun qabaan mana sii kaabaa jedhe Waaqni
14. Ani ba’uu koon beekaa, gala koo Waaqatu beeka
15. Ani cubbuu hin qabu cubbuutu naan gama
16. Ani Waaqattin galee dachee nagaan taa’i jedhe namichi harree yaabee
17. Araarsanii Waaqan araaraman.
18. Araddaan eebbaa rooba malee lalisti
19. Ariifataa Waaqatu karaa bulcha.
20. Ariifataniif Waaqa jalaa hin ba’an.
21. Arraagessii Waaqii hin dhiisu, Waaqni waan mure hin dhiisu.
22. Ayyaana darbeef hoolaa hin qalan,
23. Ayyaana waggaa ayyaantuutu arga
24. Ayyaana waraabeessa Waaqi siif haa kennu’ jedhe eebbisan
25. Ayyaana, ayyaana kan koo gaga hin qabu jedhee namichi damma gaggaa waliin liqimse
26. Ayyaanaa fi fagaara ganamuma waliin dhalatan
27. Ayyaanni haftuu haadha warraa ajjeesa
28. Ayyaanni ija guddaadha
29. Ayyaanni tokko tokkof hin darbu, Ayyaanaa (Spirit) is not transferable
30. Ayyaanni xiqqoo hin qabu hireen dabarsaa hin qabu, Spirit has no pitty and luck not transferable, luck is neither little nor transferable
31. Ayyaannii abbaa waan bareef nama caccabsa
32. Ayyaannii gannii kennee bonnii hin fudhatu
33. Ayyaannii hiyyeessaa xaafii adii bukeessa
34. Ayyaannii kadhaa bare abjuun qalqalloo baata
35. Ayyaannii saree utuu qabuu kajeelata
36. Ayyaannii waan bare eegata
37. Ayyaanuma kiyyatu dhaba hin jaallannee jedhe waraabessii gurra harree ciniinee
38. Ayyee ayyaanna Koo naa fidi fal’aana Koo harki garaa afaanii hin wallaalu jedhe ballaan
39. Ba’aa namni namarra kaa’e Waaqatu namarraa kaasa/fuudha
40. Barcuma kabaja abbaatu ofjala baata
41. Barcuma Waaqi namaa kaa’eerra taa’u
42. Barii ba’aaniif Waaqa jalaa hin ba’an
43. Bariidhan ba’aniif Waaqa jalaa hin ba’an However, one raise in the early morning, no one can escape from Waaqa (). Usually one can escape from someone whom he want to hide from if he raises early in the morning while the other one on bed. But this does not work for Waaqa as He is all seeing waaqa any time in the course of time. Waaqa never fall in a sleep. He is always alert. No one can never hide himself from Waaqa.
44. Baroodanii mar’achuu Waaqni nama haa baasu
45. Bineensi Waaqi qabe bakkee walakkaa ripha
46. Bishaan yaa’aa oolu kan Waaqni namaaf hire budduqfatu
47. Biyyoo fi kafana Waaqatu namatti uffisa
48. Buddeen Waaqaa (bu’e) hin cabu Bread from Waaqa is unbreakable).
49. Buddeen Waaqaa nyaatamee hin dhumu The bread Waaqaa gives never runs out ()
50. Cubbuu fi balbalatti abbaatu adeema.
51. Cubbuu fi dhirsii xinnoo hin qaban Sin and husband are never regarded as pity ()
52. Cubbuu fi waan ormaatti hin hafan Sin and other’s belonging do not last long with oneself ()
53. Cubbuu mannaa deega wayya Being a destitute is better than being sinned ()
54. Cubbuun dura nama gabbiftee (furdiftee), booda nama huuqifti (qal’ifti).
55. Cubbuurraa abbaatu ufeega,
56. Daa’imni ulee malee Waaqa hin sodaattu
57. Dallansuu waaqarraa dhufe lollii hin deebisu Waaqa’s retribution is irresistible and irreversible ()
58. Da’ooti hin falan Waaqa hin caalan,
59. Deegan malee Waaqa hin yaadatan
60. Dhirsaa fi niitiin muka tokkorraa bocamu (muramu)
61. Dhugaa dubachuuun firummaa hin balleessu
62. Dhugaa dubadhu gara cabeen haa yaa’uu
63. Dhugaa dubatanii bakka namatti dhiite bulan
64. Dhugaa dubatuuf nama sodaanna soba dubatuuf Waaqa sodaanne edduu tanatti rarraanee
65. Dhugaa dubbatan soba araarsan
66. Dhugaa fi araba faanaa hin dha’aan (qoran)
67. Dhugaa fi bariin bulee mul’ata
68. Dhugaa fi jabbiin galgala galti
69. Dhugaa fi lubbuun guyyaa Waaqi baase baati
70. Dhugaa fi ulfi bulee guddata
71. Dhugaa maaliif hin dubbanne jennaan dubbadhu namni hin jiraatu jedhe dhagaan
72. Dhugaa Waaqa qullaa lafa hin dhoksan, a naked body can not be hide from the ground as truth can not be hidden from Waaqaa, one can not hide his private part from the ground as one cannot hide truth from Waaqaa
73. Dhugaa yoo dubbatan Waaqa Harka yoo dhiqatani garaatu jaallata The stomack loves if one wash his hands and Waaqaa loves if one talk the truth ()
74. Dhugaan akka baala itti tolee lalisaa(alaltuu bishaan biraa lalisa)
75. Dhugaan ilma Waaqati Truth is the son of Waaqa ()
76. Dhugaan itti galaan
77. Dhugaan kan warra itti galaniitti (mana itti galani)
78. Dhugaan nama (hamaa) du’e kaafti (kaasa)
79. Dhugaan ni huuqqatti (qallatti) malee hin baddu (cittu, duutu)
80. Dhugaan Yeroof dhoksuu yaalanillee hin dhokatu
81. Dhugaan yeroof hadhaawadha
82. Dubbii gaddaa karaan Waaqarra, teessoon baalarra
83. Dubbii Waaqaa fi kolfa saree hin beekaOne can not understand (know) the words of Waaqa nor the smile of dogs (n)
84. Dubbiin Waaqaa suuta
85. Ergaa Waaqaati sanuu suuta deemtii?” jedhe namichi “Do you go slowly know it the message of Waaqaa?”said a man ()
86. Fuula Waaqatu nama qajeelcha adeemsa abbaatu ofqajeelcha jedhe jaldeessii
87. Gaariin hin barakatu, the rigtheous one not last long
88. Gaariin mudaa hin dhabu, even the righteous is not faultless
89. Ganamaan bahaniif Waaqa jalaa hin bahan Man may set out early in the morning but he escape not from Waaqaa ()
90. Gargaaraan Waaquma tattaafachuun abbaadhuma Man effort Waaqaa fulfills ()
91. Hammanuma kanan ani qabu yoon sobe Waaqi na haa qabu jedhe dakkuun warra irra qabee,
92. Hojiin Waaqayyoo fi kolfi saree hin beekamu The work of Waaqaa and the teasing of dog is not clear ()
93. Hunduu qaalluu eenyu haa baatu qalqala
94. Ijoolleen ganama Waaqa ilaalti galgala lafa ilaalti
95. Irraa ka’uuf killee kiyya irra taa’uuf lubbuu kiyya hundattuu akka Waaqi godhe haa tahu jette sololiyaan
96. Kabajaa fi barcuma abbaatu ofjala baata
97. Kabajaa fi ulfaa eegachuun barbaachisaadha
98. Kabajaaf lukkuun balbala gadjetti
99. Kabajamuun kan kabajamaati jennaan gowwittiin garaa dhiibdee
100. Kan afaan gahe Waaqatu garaan nama gaha
101. Kan ayyaannii dhibe ayyaantuun argatti
102. Kan giinge Waaqatu dubbata
103. Kan Waaqa abdatu hin dhabu He who hoped his Waaqa, never become a loser
104. Kan Waaqaan bulu agabuu hin bulu
105. Kan waaqayyo hidhe facoo (or haada or wadaroo) malee dhaabbata
106. Kan waaqayyon uume lafti baacuu hin dadhabu
107. Kan waaqayyoo godhe hiriyyaan kofla goghe
108. Kan Waaqi abaare maqaan fagaaree
109. Kan Waaqi qocaaf kaa’e cululleen hin fudhattuu The one that Waaqa preserved for the tortoise, the Eagle can never take it ()
110. Kan Waaqni uwwise hin daaru He who Waaqa dresses never get bared ()
111. Karaa dura rafanii yaa Waaqi nagaan na bulchi hin jedhan
112. Karaa keessaa gorii na waammadhu,” jedhe Waaqi.
113. Kenna Waaqaa hin dhagayan Waaqa’s gift is so loud (not heard) ()
114. Kennaa namaarra kennaa Waaqaatu caala Waaqa’s gift is much better than that of man ().
115. Kooraa Waaqni namaaf fe’e, fincilli hin buusu The saddle that Waaqa has put for someone can not be removed through skipping (boycotting) ()
116. Korma dahee korma ta’een ilma dahe jette kan Waaqi garaa kaa’e deessee
117. Lubbuu deegaa waaqatu eega, the destitute is kept by waaqa.
118. Mana Waaqaan duuba karaan nama hin dabarsu There is no way beyond Waaqa, there exists no road passing behind Waaqa’s house ().His gift, hospitality, kindness, patience, tolerance, mercy has no end and is limitless. It begins any time in the course of life, in any time of the day and the night, in any route of one’s path. It can happen in any course time and life. His love for his creation is limitless, boundary less, not limited in space and time.
119. Nama ayyaana ergaa dhalate gabaatu harree qabasiifata
120. Nama ija adii sodaadheen Waaqaa ija diimaa afaan bu’e Being afraid already of the white (not angry) eyes of man I would defy the red eyes of Waaqaa ()
121. Namni kabaja hin beekne kabaja hin fedhu, a person who doesn’t know the value of respect doesn’t need respect
122. Namni kadhachuu hin dhiisuu Waaqni waan jedhe hin dhiisuu
123. Namni ni yaada waaqni ni guuta) Man thinks Waaqa fulfills (
124. Namni quufe Waaqaa fi lafa hin beeku
125. Namni Waaqii hin dhiisu, Waaqni waan murate hin dhiisu.
126. Namni Waaqni abaare bona dhadhaa ganna ashaboo nagada
127. Namni yaa Waaqi jedhe Waaqarraa waa hin dhabu One who worships Waaqa will get everything ()
128. Nu Waaqatti gallee yaa dachee nagaan taa’i jedhe namichi farad yaabee
129. Obsinus, dhoksinus waan Waaqi jedhe hin oolu Hide it or tolerat it, it comes to being what Waaqaa says ()
130. Okkoteen Waaqa hin beekne eelee bishaan kadhatti
131. Safuu baalaa jette jaartiin doobbiin udduu haxaawattee
132. Safuu balbalaaf handaaqoon gadi jette mana seenti
133. Safuu baraa jedhe raammoon bofaan
134. Safuu jettee jaartiin ofjala ilaaltee
135. Safuu jettee lukkuun balbala gadi jettee seenti,
136. Safuu Waaqaa haftuun barii rafti
137. Safuu yaa afaanii jedhe funyaan waan afaan keessaa ba’uu fi waan afaan keesa lixu argee
138. Safuu yaa hojjaa jette dinkiin
139. Safuu yaa intalaa namni si fuudhe ofii qaana’a
140. Sitti muran’ jennaan ‘Waaqni keessa jira’ jette qocaan.
141. Tuulamanii taa’aanii Waaqa ofii hin komatan
142. Ulfoon dhugaan bulee guddata
143. Utubaa malee kan ijaajju Waaquma
144. Waa beeka Waaqni bofa miilla dhorke Knowing what the snake might do, waaqa deprived it of legs ()
145. Waaaqi fulaa afaan abbaa oole oola
146. Waamicha kabajaa kajeeluun salphina
147. Waan gaarii yoo goote Waaqatu jaalata, waan gaarii yoo nyaattee garaatu jaalata.
148. Waan Waaqa gurraacharraa dhufe lafarraa hin haftu, something from the black Waaqaa is bound to be held by earth, things that falls from the upper walaabuu surely come down on earth, what Waaqaa has sent does not fail to reach the earth
149. Waan waaqa hin beekanii haadha Waaqo naan jedha,” jette jaartiin Refer to me as “Waaqo’s mother,” for no one knows how Waaqa makes out things said the barren mother ()
150. Waan Waaqani fide lafti ba’aa hin dadhabu Whatever Waaqa brings, the earth does not fail to carry it ()
151. Waan Waaqi erge lafa gahuu hin oolu
152. Waan Waaqi mure namni hin hambisu What Waaqa says never remain behind ()
153. Waan Waaqi namaa godhe hiriyaannamaan coorti
154. Waan Waaqi qocaaf kaa’ee illeettin hin fudhattu, the rabite do not take what Waaqaa reserve for the tortoise
155. Waan Waaqi robe lafti hin didu, the earth doesnot refuse to bear anything comes down from from Waaqaa
156. Waan Waaqii namaa qoodu nyaatan.
157. Waaqa gurraacha garaa garbaa
158. Waanti Waaqarraa lafa hin hanqatu Something from Waaqa is bound to be by the earth, what Waaqa has sent doesnot fail to reach the earth ()
159. Waaqa addaatee roobuu fi gowwaa kolfaa kajeelutti hin beekani
160. Waaqa dabe lafti hin bari’u
161. Waaqa duubaan lafti (karaan) nama hin dabarsu.
162. Waaqa gannaa fi fagaara ijoollee hin amanan You cam trust neither the rainy season nor baby’s bottom ()
163. Waaqa gannaa fi garaa halagaa hin amanan
164. Waaqa hari’anii hin qaban dheessanii (fiiganii) jalaa hin ba’an, Waaqa has a mysterious and fascinating power that extends much beyond human perception, a perfect knowledge of what He intends is humanly unattainable. Waaqa is a clairvoyant Waaqa. He knows everything: the past, the present and the future. Waaqa is a rewarding creator, He who can intervene in human day to day life, in human’s life in the time of need. Waaqa is an immanent creator. So man should be sensitive to the immanence of Waaqa.
165. Waaqa karaa keessaa gorii waammadhu jedhe gamni
166. Waaqa malee gaariin hin jiru There is no one who is kind enough except Waaqa ()
167. Waaqa malee kan iddootti hafu hin jiru
168. Waaqaa addaatee roobuu fi nama kolfaa nama miidhu hin danda’an
169. Waaqaa buteen safuuf malee diroo hin fuftu
170. Waaqaa fi ijoollee taa’anii itti himatu
171. Waaqaa fi lafti walquba qabu
172. Waaqaa fi ollaa itti gadi bahu One comes out to Waaqa and his neighbours ()
173. Waaqaaf safuu jettee lukkuun olilaalaa bishaan liqimsite
174. Waaqan dhiita jettee simbirroon muka Waaqatti ol dhaabdee
175. Waaqatu na eega jedhanii balbala banaa hin bulan, hoping Waaqaa will keep us one can not go to sleep without closing his doors
176. Waaqi cittoo namatti buuse qeensa nama buuse
177. Waaqi fulaa afaan abbaa oole oola.Waaqaa present where one’s mouth present; Waaqaa count what comes out off one’s mouth;
178. Waaqi gaafa (yeroo) si badhaassu baayyee si hin dhamaasu.
179. Waaqi gaafa hunda nama tiksa gaafa tokko nama jiksa.
180. Waaqi hin ariifatu waan hunduma yeroosaatti hojeta , Waaqa is not in hurry he is working everything out at its proper time
181. Waaqi hin jarjaru lafa dhaqu hin oolu
182. Waaqi hiyyeessaa sangaa ajjeessaaf, being wish good for the poor, Waaqaa kills an ox
183. Waaqi jabaa jedhee nama hin sodaatu muyoo jedhee hin ajjeesu
184. Waaqi jiraaf aduun baha The sun rises as the presence of Waaqaa ()
185. Waaqi jiraaf waa jiraatti Everything exist as result of Waaqaa ()
186. Waaqi jiraaf waajiraatii jiraa/jiruu kee barbaadadhu
187. Waaqi si haa maaru jennaan anuu isan sodaadhaa atimmoo natti yaamtaa jedhe namichi
188. Waaqi utubaa malee dhaabatee lafa dhisaa malee diriirse, Waaqaa supports himself without poles and stretched the dachee without peps
189. Waaqni beekee bofa miilla dhoowwate, being known its deed, Waaqaa create the snake with out limb
190. Waaqni dhuka bookeeyyuu ni arga Waaqa can even sees the marrow of tiny insect, booke ()
191. Waaqni duraa fi duuuba (booddee) hin qabu Waaqa has no extreme ends, ():Waaqa has no begining and ends
192. Waaqni duumessaa’e roobuu hin oolu
193. Waaqni garaa dhagaa keessayyuu ni beeka Waaqaa even knows what is inside the heart of a stone ()
194. Waaqni hin ariifatu, lafa jedhe hin oolu/hin hanqatu Waaqa never harry, but always on time ()
195. Waaqni hin hammaatiin sareen nyaattee hin qadaadiin
196. Waaqni hiyyeessaa dhaltii duraa ajjeessa.
197. Waaqni human malee bifa hin qabu (waaqaa has no form but power).
198. Waaqni humna malee bifa hin qabu Waaqa has no physical form but power ()
199. Waaqni kadhaa hin tolu, uumaa tola.
200. Waaqni madeessee deebisee kooba
201. Waaqni tokkicha jedhee hin dhiisu kuma jedhee hin lakkisu (sodaatu);
202. Waaqni Waan hiree hire What He (Waaqa) has given has already been given, fate is predestined ()
203. Waaqnuu gurraacha jedhan, even Waaqaa is black they said
204. Yaa cubbuu eessa dhaqxa jennaan bakka itti na ergan, yoo manaa dhabdewoo jennaan nama na ergettan deebaa jette’ jedhan
205. Yaa Waaq dura nu tolchitee booda nu hin yakkiin Let not Waaqa brighten our past and darken our future ()
206. Yaa Waaqi godaansa halkanii naa dhali’ jedhe ballaan
207. Yaa Waaqi siifan ka’aa achumaanan gaayyaa koo fudhadha jette jaartiin
208. Yoo dhugaa dubbatani bofti du’aan ka’a
209. Yoo dhugaa qaban Waaqarraa hin dhaban,
210. Yoo Waaqni nama hidhe fachoo malee ijaajju